Feedback Software

Fast Feedback

Elite athletes don’t wait for quarterly or annual feedback, so why should high performing professionals?

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Performance Leader Fast Feedback SoftwarePerformance LeaderBig Plus

Agile feedback with lasting value

Real-time feedback is critical to continuous improvement and accelerated development. Our Fast Feedback module allows partners and employees to give and ask for feedback any time. The flexible templates guide input to ensure the feedback is valuable.

Agile feedback with lasting value
Configure fast feedback templates

Configure Fast Feedback templates for:

job (audit) reviews
project / matter feedback
strengths recognition
development feedback, and
recognition and kudos.

Our clients use Fast Feedback to:

Replace formal reviews with more regular informal check-ins, focusing on the conversation instead of compliance
simplify and streamline high-volume audit feedback and reproduce that data in performance reviews, and
recognise partners and employees for collaboration and innovation and capture that information for reward purposes.
Our clients use fast feedback

Frequently asked questions

Who can give and receive Fast Feedback?

Any partner or employee can give feedback to anyone else in the firm. And any partner or employee can ask for feedback from anyone else.

Who can view Fast Feedback?

The giver and recipient of Fast Feedback can see it. The recipient’s manager and their department head can also see it.

What is Fast Feedback likely to cover?

That will depend on the Fast Feedback templates used and configured by the client. As a starting point, we recommend templates covering check-ins, recognition and praise, development feedback and project feedback (including matter feedback for lawyers and job reviews for accountants).

What is the Impact Feedback CSR program about?

Impact Feedback is our CSR program, and our way of connecting our work and community outcomes. The concept is simple: participating clients choose three charities to benefit from the program. Every time a partner or employee gives feedback using the Fast Feedback tool, they get to vote for one of the charities. The more votes, the more we donate. Firms can match our giving too, knowing that the ROI on a stronger feedback culture will reap significant rewards.

Is Fast Feedback an alternative to formal reviews?

That depends on what you want to achieve. If you want to replace formal reviews with lightly structured check-ins (say 2-3 short questions) then the answer to the question is yes. If you want to support a more detailed conversation, for example integrating competencies, financials and peer feedback, then we recommend using the Reviews module.

Interested in an informal conversation?

Book a discovery meeting with us to explore your firm’s approach to building a sustainable high performance culture

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