Product feature highlights - AI tools

Performance management AI tools to help streamline managerial tasks and enhance collaboration. Read about our new feature - smart feedback summaries, an update on collaboration points reporting and our exciting new feature coming soon - contexual AI to coach and support.

September 25, 2024

Logan Balavijendran
Head of CX
Performance Leader

1. Smart feedback summaries [NEW FEATURE]

Peer feedback adds nuance and context to performance reviews, but it also places an additional burden on already busy managers, requiring them to digest and act on more information. To ease this process, we leverage AI to generate smart feedback summaries, which managers can choose to share with reviewees. This not only saves time but also helps identify key themes from narrative feedback, ultimately fostering more insightful conversations.

One of our clients, Fox Williams use this in their annualappraisal process and have found that it helps busy partners.

"Our partners and line managers found the embedded GenAI tool significantly improved efficiency, allowing more time for meaningfuldiscussions about development and career paths. It's an excellent applicationof new technology to support busy partners!"

Blair Wright, HR Partner, Fox Williams

2. Collaboration points reporting [UPDATE]

Collaboration can be challenging to define and measure effectively.  Performance Leader’s peers points tool allows you to recognise those who supported you (and explain how they did so).

We’ve improved the reporting dashboard to help understand inter-departmental collaboration. We’re also building an AI assistant that sits across this tool (so you can ask “What are characteristics of successful collaborators at my firm?”).

This tool was recently deployed with a 400-partner firm that recognised deep collaboration among partners but were lacking a clear understanding of its impact. They’ve implemented collaboration points into their most recent partner review and we’re looking forward to diving into the insights.


3. Contextual AI to coach and support [COMING SOON]

Imagine if you could ask “Who in my team has received feedback recently?” or “Based on feedback and current goals, suggest 3 goals”?

Even better if this is done with AI tool that ensures data privacy while understanding your performance and feedback process. The Performance Leader AI assistant leverages the latest AI engine, understands your context and strictly protects your data. Slated for release in the first half of 2025, this tool is already showing promising results in testing.

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